Merced- Mariposa Sectional Constitution
Merced/Mariposa Section
Future Farmers of America
Revised Sept. 2017
Article I – Name and Purpose
Section A: The name of this organization shall be referred to as the Merced/Mariposa Section of
Future Farmers of America. It is a section of the Central Region and the California Association
of Future Farmers of America.
Section B: The purposes for this organization as formed are as follows:
Clause 1: To promote and encourage the fulfillment, on the sectional and chapter level, of
the twelve (12) purposes of the organization, as outlined in the state constitution.
Clause 2: To provide and actively promote inter-chapter activities on a sectional basis.
Article II – Membership
Section A: The members of the organization shall be active, associate, and honorary members of
the Atwater, Dos Palos, Gustine, Hilmar, Le Grand, Livingston, Los Banos, Mariposa, Buhach
Colony, Merced, Golden Valley, Pacheco, El Capitan, Delhi, and Stone Ridge Chapters.
Article III – Officers
Section A:
Clause 1: The officers of the Merced/Mariposa Section shall be: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, and Sectional Advisor.
Clause 2: These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section B: The six (6) elected officers of the section shall be elected annually by majority vote of
the voting delegates present at the election meeting.
Section C: To run for sectional officer the candidate must hold the Chapter FFA degree, be a
sophomore or junior, and currently enrolled in high school in an agriculture education program.
Section D: A letter of resignation should be sent to the sectional advisor in the case of any officer
being unable to fulfill their responsibility. An office constitutes being vacant when the officer is
absent from three meetings, either a regular meeting or an executive meeting. Should any
vacancy occur in any office, the president may appoint a member to fill the office until the next
regular election with majority vote or consent from the voting delegates at the regular or special
Section E: The duties of the officers shall be:
Clause 1: President –To preside over all sectional meeting, conduct all business, represent
the section at all activities, call special meetings, appoint committees, and serve as the ex-
officio member of these committees.
Clause 2: Vice President –To preside over meetings in the absence of the president.
Assist the president in conducting special activities, assume duties of the president in the
event the office becomes vacant by resignation or otherwise.
Clause 3: Secretary –To conduct all sectional correspondence and record minutes of all
Clause 4: Treasurer –To be custodian of all section funds, and to keep a record of all
section debts and credits.
Clause 5: Reporter –To report to the public all events and activities of the section. To
maintain a sectional newsletter.
Clause 6: Sentinel –To take care of all paraphernalia, keep the meeting room
comfortable, and help the president in maintaining order.
Clause 7: Advisor- To advise the organization in all problems and to help members in
any way necessary. To assist the president in conducting the activities of the section. The
chapter advisor of the sectional president will be the section advisor.
Section F: Sectional Officer Elections:
1. Each chapter will receive a sectional officer application one month prior to the sectional
2. Each chapter is allowed to run any student that is a sophomore or junior who is in
satisfactory standing at the Chapter level with at least their Chapter FFA Degree.
3. The application will be due two weeks prior to the elections.
4. The sectional advisor will review applications to make sure all applicants are eligible and
create an interview schedule. The interviews will be scheduled in 10 minute intervals
starting with the chapters closest to the interview site and ending with Mariposa.
Interviews shall be held one week prior to the scheduled sectional meeting.
5. The interview panel will consist of the highest ranking current sectional officer who is
not running for re-election. In addition, two advisors from the Merced/Mariposa section
who do not have any applicants for sectional office. If two advisors are not available,
then advisors from other sections or other qualified candidates will be asked to be part of
the interview panel. The current sectional officer advisor will act as a consultant and be a
non-voting member of the interview panel.
6. The interview panel will score each applicant separately without discussion. Once
interviews are completed a maximum of 12 candidates will be chosen on interview and
application scores. These 12 candidates will be placed on the ballot. The ballot of officer
candidates will be emailed out to all candidates and all Merced Mariposa Advisors before
7:00 pm on the evening of the interview.
7. The ballot will be presented to the delegates at the spring meeting. Candidates will then
have 15 minutes to campaign the delegates. All campaign paraphernalia must be free
standing and must be taken home after the meeting is over. No campaign paraphernalia
may be given to FFA members except paper less than or equal to 81/2” by 11”. No
visible objects can be worn. No stickers will be permitted. No campaign paraphernalia
can be passed out prior to the presentation of the ballot.
8. Each candidate will give a 2 minute campaign speech. All officer candidates shall remain
in full dress uniform throughout the campaign and election process. No props of any kind
may be used during the candidates’ speech.
9. The election of all officers and special elections are done by secret ballot and counted by
an advisor that has no candidates running for sectional office.
10. Each chapter is entitled to have 2 voting delegates to represent the chapter in all sectional
11. After speeches, the delegates will then vote for their top six candidates out of a possible
twelve. The 6 candidates with the most votes will be appointed to sectional office. These
6 candidates once elected, will then be assigned an office by the original interview
committee directly after the election.
12. No chapter may have more than 2 presiding officers at the time of election. This allows
for any officers that transfer to another school within the section to do so without losing
Article IV – Voting Delegates
Section A: The elections of all officers and other special elections shall be by secret ballot.
Section B: Each chapter is entitled to have two (2) voting delegates to represent the chapter in all
sectional meetings.
Article V – Dues and Assessments
Section A: Annual dues and fees will be determines by the membership of the Merced/Mariposa
Section California Agriculture Teachers Association (CATA) Treasurer following the
assessment of the sectional financial status. The payment of dues and fees will be due on
December 1, of the Sectional fiscal year which begins immediately after the election of the
officers for the Merced/Mariposa Section of Future Farmers of America.
Section B: Special assessments, which may become necessary from time to time for special
activities that need extra support, will be determined by the Executive Committee and the
Section CATA membership and collected by the CATA Treasurer. All special assessments for
any sectional activity must be paid by the chapter prior to the activity or that chapter will not be
allowed to participate.
Section C: Any chapter which has not submitted their dues and entry fees within the set time
periods will no longer be considered in good standing and will not be allowed to participate in
any other sectional activity until their payments have been made.
Article VI – Meeting
Section A: Meetings shall be called by the president at regular intervals to plan activities and
conduct business. Special meetings may be called by the president when the need arises.
Article VII – Procedure
Section A: Parliamentary Procedure used in the meetings shall be in Accordance with the
Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section B: Each regular Section Meeting shall open and close with the Official FFA Ceremonies.
The regular meetings of the Merced/Mariposa Section shall include: The Opening and Closing
Ceremonies Contest, Sectional Project Competition, Best Informed Greenhand Contest, Super
Saturday Public Speaking Contest (Creed, Impromptu, Prepared, Extemporaneous, and Job
Interview Contests), Co-op Quiz Contest, Sectional Parliamentary Procedure Contest, and the
Officer Elections.
Section C: The Merced/Mariposa Section shall put on special activities as deemed necessary.
Article VII – Amendments
Section A: Proposed amendments to this Constitution of the Merced/Mariposa Section of Future
Farmers of America shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for consideration.
After reviewing the proposed amendment the Executive Committee will send copies to each
chapter. At the next regular meeting following the completion of the above acts, the proposed
amendment shall be presented to the voting delegation.
Section B: Amendments to this constitution may be adopted by a two thirds vote of the voting
delegates present at any regular or special meeting in accordance with Section A, Article VII of
this constitution with approval of the Executive Committee of the Central Region of FFA.
Section C: Ratification of this constitution and/or it’s repealment after ratification and adoption
shall consist of a passing vote of two thirds of the voting delegates from each of the following
chapters: Atwater, Buhach Colony, Delhi, Dos Palos, El Capitan, Golden Valley, Gustine,
Hilmar, Le Grand, Livingston, Los Banos, Mariposa, Merced, Pacheco and Stone Ridge.
Future Farmers of America
Revised Sept. 2017
Article I – Name and Purpose
Section A: The name of this organization shall be referred to as the Merced/Mariposa Section of
Future Farmers of America. It is a section of the Central Region and the California Association
of Future Farmers of America.
Section B: The purposes for this organization as formed are as follows:
Clause 1: To promote and encourage the fulfillment, on the sectional and chapter level, of
the twelve (12) purposes of the organization, as outlined in the state constitution.
Clause 2: To provide and actively promote inter-chapter activities on a sectional basis.
Article II – Membership
Section A: The members of the organization shall be active, associate, and honorary members of
the Atwater, Dos Palos, Gustine, Hilmar, Le Grand, Livingston, Los Banos, Mariposa, Buhach
Colony, Merced, Golden Valley, Pacheco, El Capitan, Delhi, and Stone Ridge Chapters.
Article III – Officers
Section A:
Clause 1: The officers of the Merced/Mariposa Section shall be: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, and Sectional Advisor.
Clause 2: These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section B: The six (6) elected officers of the section shall be elected annually by majority vote of
the voting delegates present at the election meeting.
Section C: To run for sectional officer the candidate must hold the Chapter FFA degree, be a
sophomore or junior, and currently enrolled in high school in an agriculture education program.
Section D: A letter of resignation should be sent to the sectional advisor in the case of any officer
being unable to fulfill their responsibility. An office constitutes being vacant when the officer is
absent from three meetings, either a regular meeting or an executive meeting. Should any
vacancy occur in any office, the president may appoint a member to fill the office until the next
regular election with majority vote or consent from the voting delegates at the regular or special
Section E: The duties of the officers shall be:
Clause 1: President –To preside over all sectional meeting, conduct all business, represent
the section at all activities, call special meetings, appoint committees, and serve as the ex-
officio member of these committees.
Clause 2: Vice President –To preside over meetings in the absence of the president.
Assist the president in conducting special activities, assume duties of the president in the
event the office becomes vacant by resignation or otherwise.
Clause 3: Secretary –To conduct all sectional correspondence and record minutes of all
Clause 4: Treasurer –To be custodian of all section funds, and to keep a record of all
section debts and credits.
Clause 5: Reporter –To report to the public all events and activities of the section. To
maintain a sectional newsletter.
Clause 6: Sentinel –To take care of all paraphernalia, keep the meeting room
comfortable, and help the president in maintaining order.
Clause 7: Advisor- To advise the organization in all problems and to help members in
any way necessary. To assist the president in conducting the activities of the section. The
chapter advisor of the sectional president will be the section advisor.
Section F: Sectional Officer Elections:
1. Each chapter will receive a sectional officer application one month prior to the sectional
2. Each chapter is allowed to run any student that is a sophomore or junior who is in
satisfactory standing at the Chapter level with at least their Chapter FFA Degree.
3. The application will be due two weeks prior to the elections.
4. The sectional advisor will review applications to make sure all applicants are eligible and
create an interview schedule. The interviews will be scheduled in 10 minute intervals
starting with the chapters closest to the interview site and ending with Mariposa.
Interviews shall be held one week prior to the scheduled sectional meeting.
5. The interview panel will consist of the highest ranking current sectional officer who is
not running for re-election. In addition, two advisors from the Merced/Mariposa section
who do not have any applicants for sectional office. If two advisors are not available,
then advisors from other sections or other qualified candidates will be asked to be part of
the interview panel. The current sectional officer advisor will act as a consultant and be a
non-voting member of the interview panel.
6. The interview panel will score each applicant separately without discussion. Once
interviews are completed a maximum of 12 candidates will be chosen on interview and
application scores. These 12 candidates will be placed on the ballot. The ballot of officer
candidates will be emailed out to all candidates and all Merced Mariposa Advisors before
7:00 pm on the evening of the interview.
7. The ballot will be presented to the delegates at the spring meeting. Candidates will then
have 15 minutes to campaign the delegates. All campaign paraphernalia must be free
standing and must be taken home after the meeting is over. No campaign paraphernalia
may be given to FFA members except paper less than or equal to 81/2” by 11”. No
visible objects can be worn. No stickers will be permitted. No campaign paraphernalia
can be passed out prior to the presentation of the ballot.
8. Each candidate will give a 2 minute campaign speech. All officer candidates shall remain
in full dress uniform throughout the campaign and election process. No props of any kind
may be used during the candidates’ speech.
9. The election of all officers and special elections are done by secret ballot and counted by
an advisor that has no candidates running for sectional office.
10. Each chapter is entitled to have 2 voting delegates to represent the chapter in all sectional
11. After speeches, the delegates will then vote for their top six candidates out of a possible
twelve. The 6 candidates with the most votes will be appointed to sectional office. These
6 candidates once elected, will then be assigned an office by the original interview
committee directly after the election.
12. No chapter may have more than 2 presiding officers at the time of election. This allows
for any officers that transfer to another school within the section to do so without losing
Article IV – Voting Delegates
Section A: The elections of all officers and other special elections shall be by secret ballot.
Section B: Each chapter is entitled to have two (2) voting delegates to represent the chapter in all
sectional meetings.
Article V – Dues and Assessments
Section A: Annual dues and fees will be determines by the membership of the Merced/Mariposa
Section California Agriculture Teachers Association (CATA) Treasurer following the
assessment of the sectional financial status. The payment of dues and fees will be due on
December 1, of the Sectional fiscal year which begins immediately after the election of the
officers for the Merced/Mariposa Section of Future Farmers of America.
Section B: Special assessments, which may become necessary from time to time for special
activities that need extra support, will be determined by the Executive Committee and the
Section CATA membership and collected by the CATA Treasurer. All special assessments for
any sectional activity must be paid by the chapter prior to the activity or that chapter will not be
allowed to participate.
Section C: Any chapter which has not submitted their dues and entry fees within the set time
periods will no longer be considered in good standing and will not be allowed to participate in
any other sectional activity until their payments have been made.
Article VI – Meeting
Section A: Meetings shall be called by the president at regular intervals to plan activities and
conduct business. Special meetings may be called by the president when the need arises.
Article VII – Procedure
Section A: Parliamentary Procedure used in the meetings shall be in Accordance with the
Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section B: Each regular Section Meeting shall open and close with the Official FFA Ceremonies.
The regular meetings of the Merced/Mariposa Section shall include: The Opening and Closing
Ceremonies Contest, Sectional Project Competition, Best Informed Greenhand Contest, Super
Saturday Public Speaking Contest (Creed, Impromptu, Prepared, Extemporaneous, and Job
Interview Contests), Co-op Quiz Contest, Sectional Parliamentary Procedure Contest, and the
Officer Elections.
Section C: The Merced/Mariposa Section shall put on special activities as deemed necessary.
Article VII – Amendments
Section A: Proposed amendments to this Constitution of the Merced/Mariposa Section of Future
Farmers of America shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for consideration.
After reviewing the proposed amendment the Executive Committee will send copies to each
chapter. At the next regular meeting following the completion of the above acts, the proposed
amendment shall be presented to the voting delegation.
Section B: Amendments to this constitution may be adopted by a two thirds vote of the voting
delegates present at any regular or special meeting in accordance with Section A, Article VII of
this constitution with approval of the Executive Committee of the Central Region of FFA.
Section C: Ratification of this constitution and/or it’s repealment after ratification and adoption
shall consist of a passing vote of two thirds of the voting delegates from each of the following
chapters: Atwater, Buhach Colony, Delhi, Dos Palos, El Capitan, Golden Valley, Gustine,
Hilmar, Le Grand, Livingston, Los Banos, Mariposa, Merced, Pacheco and Stone Ridge.