Livingston FFA Constitution
Livingston FFA Chapter
Revised August 2017
Article I- Names and Purposes
Section A. The name of this organization shall be referred to as the Livingston FFA Chapter.
Section B. The Purposes for which this Chapter is formed are as follows:
1. To develop agriculture leadership skills among all members.
2. To develop a global awareness of agriculture.
3. To bestow confidence among agriculture students and their work.
4. To promote agriculture career opportunities through hands on training.
5. To develop competencies in communication, human relations, and social
6. To build cooperative attitudes among agriculture students.
7. To encourage improvement in scholastics.
8. To provide recreational activities for agriculture students.
Article II- Organization
Section A. The Livingston FFA Chapter is a chartered local entity of the Merced-Mariposa
Section, which is located in the Central Region of the California Association of
the Future Farmers of America.
Section B. The chapter accepts in full the provision in the organization and bylaws of the
California Association of the FFA as well as those of the National FFA
Article III- Membership
Section A. Membership is limited to students enrolled in Vocational Agriculture at
Livingston High School.
Section B. Membership of the graduates is limited to students that were active members in
high school.
Section C. The Livingston FFA is a 100% affiliation Chapter where every student
becomes a member of the FFA when they enroll in an agriculture class.
Section D. No students may participate in any FFA activities unless they are members
in good standing. Good standing is defined as:
1. Maintaining a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
2. No more than one unsatisfactory citizenship mark.
Section E. The FFA Advisors at their own discretion have the right to dismiss any
member from the FFA organization at any time with approval of the
Section F. Membership in the chapter shall be of three kinds:
1. Active
2. Alumni
3. Honorary-As defined by the National FFA Constitution.
Section G. The regular work of this chapter shall be carried on by the active membership.
Section H. Honorary membership in the chapter shall be limited to Honorary FFA Degree
Section I. There shall be four levels of active membership in this chapter.
These are:
1. The Greenhand FFA Degree- All “Greenhands” are entitled to wear the
regulation bronze pin.
2. The Chapter FFA Degree-All chapter degree recipients are entitled to wear
the regulation silver pin.
3. The Golden State FFA Degree-All members holding the degree of the
State FFA are entitled to wear the regulation gold emblem charm.
4. The American FFA Degree-All members holding the degree of American
FFA are entitled to wear the regulation gold emblem key.
Article IV- Degrees
Section A. Greenhand FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications for election:
1. Be enrolled in agriculture education and have satisfactory plans for a
supervised agricultural experience program.
2. Learn and explain the FFA Creed, Motto, and Salute.
3. Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of
the FFA jacket.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter
constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program Activities.
6. Have access to the Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook.
7. Submit written application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.
Section B. Chapter FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications:
1. Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree.
2. Must be enrolled in their second year of agriculture education and have
an approved Supervised Experience Program.
3. Participate in the planning and conducting three official chapter functions.
4. Have earned at least $150 or worked at least 45 hours and have developed
plans for growth of the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program.
5. Have effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes.
6. Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law.
7. Shows progress towards individual achievement in the FFA awards
8. Have satisfactory record.
9. Submit a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree.
Section C. State FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications:
1. Qualifications for the State FFA Degree are those set forth in the
Constitution of the National FFA Organization.
Section D. American FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications:
1. Qualifications for the American FFA Degree are those set forth in the
Constitution of the National FFA Organization.
Section E. Special Committees shall review the qualifications of the members and make
recommendations to the chapter concerning degree advancement.
Article V-Officers
Section A.
Clause 1: The chapter officers of the Livingston FFA Chapter shall be: President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, and Historian.
Clause 2: These officers and advisors shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section B. The seven officers of the chapter, except the advisor, shall be elected annually by
majority vote of the active membership of the Livingston FFA chapter, unless
there are less than 12 candidates running, then a nominating committee will select
the officers. Ties between the two candidates shall be broken by the decision of
the FFA Advisor.
Section C. The nominating committee shall be composed:
1. Of the past FFA President
2. The 12th grade chapter officers
3. The FFA Advisor/s
4. Any other active 12th grade member that the advisor chooses (this only
applies when a small number of 12th grade officers occur in a year).
5. Administration and/or supporting staff may be added to nominating
committee as needed.
Section D. Officer Eligibility. Minimum qualification to run for chapter office.
1. Must have and maintain a 2.5 Grade Point Average
2. For the office of president:
a. The applicant must have already completed at least 2 years of
Agriculture classes
b. And/or held the Chapter FFA Degree.
c. The office of chapter president cannot be repeated
3. Other offices required:
a. Have completed a year of agriculture class.
b. Hold the Greenhand FFA Degree
c. And be eligible for the Chapter FFA Degree
Section E. A letter of resignation should be sent to the chapter advisor in the case of any
officer constitutes being vacant when the officer is absent from the unexcused
(without advisor approval) meetings, either a regular meeting or an executive
meeting. Should any vacancy occur in the office, the advisor may appoint a
member to fill the office until the next regular election with majority vote or
consent from the voting delegates at a regular meeting.
Section G. The duties of the officers shall be:
Clause 1: President
1. Preside over and conduct meetings according to accepted
parliamentary procedure.
2. Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio, non-
voting member.
3. Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of
each division of the Program of Activities (POA).
4. Represent the chapter in public relation and official functions.
Clause 2: Vice President
1. Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
2. Develop a POA and serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of
the POA committee.
3. Coordinate all committee work.
4. Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress
toward meeting chapter goals.
5. Establish and maintain a chapter resource file.
6. Maintain the Chapter Point Award System.
Clause 3: Secretary
1. Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.
2. Prepare and present the minutes for each chapter meeting.
3. Place all committee reports in the designated area in the FFA
Chapter Workbooks: Secretary, Treasurer and Program of
Activities Workbook or the computer software.
4. Be responsible for chapter correspondence.
5. Maintain member attendance and activity records and issue
membership cards.
6. Keep the POA Wall Chart up-to-date.
7. Have on hand for each meeting:
a. FFA Chapter Books: Secretary, Treasurer and The Program
of Activities Workbook or computer software.
b. Copy of the POA including all standing special
c. Official FFA Manual and Student Handbook.
d. Copy of the Chapter Constitution and bylaws.
Clause 4: Treasurer
1. Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
2. Present monthly treasurer reports at the chapter meetings.
3. Collect due and special assessments
4. Maintain a neat and accurate FFA Chapter Handbook: Secretary,
Treasurer and Program of Activities Workbook or the computer
5. Prepare and submit the membership roster and dues to the National
FFA Organization through the State FFA Association office in
cooperation with the secretary.
6. Serve as the chairperson of the earnings and savings committee
7. Ex-officio on fund-raising committee
Clause 5: Reporter
1. Plan public information programs with local radio, television,
newspaper, and service clubs and make use of other opportunities
to tell the FFA story.
2. Release news and information to local and regional news media.
3. Publish a monthly chapter newsletter.
4. Send local stories to area, districts, and state reporters.
5. Send articles and photographs to FFA New Horizons and other
national and regional publications.
6. Work with local media on radio and television appearances and
FFA news.
7. Create and maintain chapter website.
Clause 6: Sentinel
1. Assist the president in maintaining order.
2. Keep the meeting room, equipment and supplies improper
3. Welcome guest and visitors.
4. Keep the meeting room comfortable.
5. Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.
6. Assist with special features and refreshments.
Clause 7: Historian
1. Develop and maintain a scrapbook of memorabilia in which to
record the chapter’s history.
2. Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.
3. Prepare displays of activities and submit stories of former
members to the media.
4. Serve as chapter photographer.
5. Prepare slide shows for recruitments, Greenhand Banquet and the
End of the Year Banquet.
Clause 8: Advisor
1. Advise the organization in all problems.
2. Help members in any way.
3. Assist the president in conducting activities of the chapter.
Clause 9: Officer Deadlines
1. All business in need of attention must be completed within 2
weeks after the event.
Article VI-Voting
Section A. Secret ballot will occur for all officers and special elections.
Section B. Every member of the Livingston FFA Chapter is eligible to vote.
Article VII-Impeachment of Officers
Section A. Immediate Impeachment
1. The FFA Advisor will implement and enforce a 3-strike system to remove
an officer who has repeatedly disregarded his/her duties by not fulfilling
them to his/her best ability.
Section B. Steps to Impeachment
1. Any FFA Chapter Officer not fulfilling the duties of the office as
described by this constitution will be required to meet with the advisor
and the principal and parent will be notified.
2. A written 3-Strikes agreement will be drawn up by the advisor based on
the conversation of the meeting in step one, and will be confirmed and
signed by the advisor and officer in question.
Section C. Filling Vacant Offices
1. Office vacancies will first be filled by candidates that completed the
application and interview process to become a chapter officer. The FFA
advisors will choose the candidate that will best fill the vacant office.
2. If there is no candidate available that completed the officer screening
process, then the current office advisors will choose two active members
to run for the open position. The chapter will fill the vacant position by
secret ballot majority vote.
Article VIII- Assessments
Section A. As long as the Incentive Grant funds are available, dues shall be paid for all
members through that source.
Article IX- Eligibility
Section A. Eligibility of members exhibiting at fairs and shows will be based on the
Advisor’s Discretion.
Clause 1: No student may exhibit at the Merced County Spring Fair if:
1. Their GPA is less than 2.5
2. Do not get their advance excuses signed for the entire work
3. Have received more than one unsatisfactory citizenship mark
Clause 2: Exhibitors may not show at Merced County Fair if:
I. The have any summer school that conflicts with Merced County Fair.
Section B. Members must maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) overall to be eligible
to participate above the chapter level.
Section C. Alumni members wanting to show one year upon graduation must hold the
Golden State Degree to be eligible.
Article X-Amendments
Section A. To amend the constitution, a majority vote of the active membership is required.
Section B. To become effective, an amendment must be posted for two weeks previous to
vote of the active members.
Article XI-Ratification of the Constitution
Section A. The constitution shall become effective when passed by majority vote of the
members voting.
Revised August 2017
Article I- Names and Purposes
Section A. The name of this organization shall be referred to as the Livingston FFA Chapter.
Section B. The Purposes for which this Chapter is formed are as follows:
1. To develop agriculture leadership skills among all members.
2. To develop a global awareness of agriculture.
3. To bestow confidence among agriculture students and their work.
4. To promote agriculture career opportunities through hands on training.
5. To develop competencies in communication, human relations, and social
6. To build cooperative attitudes among agriculture students.
7. To encourage improvement in scholastics.
8. To provide recreational activities for agriculture students.
Article II- Organization
Section A. The Livingston FFA Chapter is a chartered local entity of the Merced-Mariposa
Section, which is located in the Central Region of the California Association of
the Future Farmers of America.
Section B. The chapter accepts in full the provision in the organization and bylaws of the
California Association of the FFA as well as those of the National FFA
Article III- Membership
Section A. Membership is limited to students enrolled in Vocational Agriculture at
Livingston High School.
Section B. Membership of the graduates is limited to students that were active members in
high school.
Section C. The Livingston FFA is a 100% affiliation Chapter where every student
becomes a member of the FFA when they enroll in an agriculture class.
Section D. No students may participate in any FFA activities unless they are members
in good standing. Good standing is defined as:
1. Maintaining a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
2. No more than one unsatisfactory citizenship mark.
Section E. The FFA Advisors at their own discretion have the right to dismiss any
member from the FFA organization at any time with approval of the
Section F. Membership in the chapter shall be of three kinds:
1. Active
2. Alumni
3. Honorary-As defined by the National FFA Constitution.
Section G. The regular work of this chapter shall be carried on by the active membership.
Section H. Honorary membership in the chapter shall be limited to Honorary FFA Degree
Section I. There shall be four levels of active membership in this chapter.
These are:
1. The Greenhand FFA Degree- All “Greenhands” are entitled to wear the
regulation bronze pin.
2. The Chapter FFA Degree-All chapter degree recipients are entitled to wear
the regulation silver pin.
3. The Golden State FFA Degree-All members holding the degree of the
State FFA are entitled to wear the regulation gold emblem charm.
4. The American FFA Degree-All members holding the degree of American
FFA are entitled to wear the regulation gold emblem key.
Article IV- Degrees
Section A. Greenhand FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications for election:
1. Be enrolled in agriculture education and have satisfactory plans for a
supervised agricultural experience program.
2. Learn and explain the FFA Creed, Motto, and Salute.
3. Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of
the FFA jacket.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter
constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program Activities.
6. Have access to the Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook.
7. Submit written application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.
Section B. Chapter FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications:
1. Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree.
2. Must be enrolled in their second year of agriculture education and have
an approved Supervised Experience Program.
3. Participate in the planning and conducting three official chapter functions.
4. Have earned at least $150 or worked at least 45 hours and have developed
plans for growth of the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program.
5. Have effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes.
6. Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law.
7. Shows progress towards individual achievement in the FFA awards
8. Have satisfactory record.
9. Submit a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree.
Section C. State FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications:
1. Qualifications for the State FFA Degree are those set forth in the
Constitution of the National FFA Organization.
Section D. American FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications:
1. Qualifications for the American FFA Degree are those set forth in the
Constitution of the National FFA Organization.
Section E. Special Committees shall review the qualifications of the members and make
recommendations to the chapter concerning degree advancement.
Article V-Officers
Section A.
Clause 1: The chapter officers of the Livingston FFA Chapter shall be: President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, and Historian.
Clause 2: These officers and advisors shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section B. The seven officers of the chapter, except the advisor, shall be elected annually by
majority vote of the active membership of the Livingston FFA chapter, unless
there are less than 12 candidates running, then a nominating committee will select
the officers. Ties between the two candidates shall be broken by the decision of
the FFA Advisor.
Section C. The nominating committee shall be composed:
1. Of the past FFA President
2. The 12th grade chapter officers
3. The FFA Advisor/s
4. Any other active 12th grade member that the advisor chooses (this only
applies when a small number of 12th grade officers occur in a year).
5. Administration and/or supporting staff may be added to nominating
committee as needed.
Section D. Officer Eligibility. Minimum qualification to run for chapter office.
1. Must have and maintain a 2.5 Grade Point Average
2. For the office of president:
a. The applicant must have already completed at least 2 years of
Agriculture classes
b. And/or held the Chapter FFA Degree.
c. The office of chapter president cannot be repeated
3. Other offices required:
a. Have completed a year of agriculture class.
b. Hold the Greenhand FFA Degree
c. And be eligible for the Chapter FFA Degree
Section E. A letter of resignation should be sent to the chapter advisor in the case of any
officer constitutes being vacant when the officer is absent from the unexcused
(without advisor approval) meetings, either a regular meeting or an executive
meeting. Should any vacancy occur in the office, the advisor may appoint a
member to fill the office until the next regular election with majority vote or
consent from the voting delegates at a regular meeting.
Section G. The duties of the officers shall be:
Clause 1: President
1. Preside over and conduct meetings according to accepted
parliamentary procedure.
2. Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio, non-
voting member.
3. Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of
each division of the Program of Activities (POA).
4. Represent the chapter in public relation and official functions.
Clause 2: Vice President
1. Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
2. Develop a POA and serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of
the POA committee.
3. Coordinate all committee work.
4. Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress
toward meeting chapter goals.
5. Establish and maintain a chapter resource file.
6. Maintain the Chapter Point Award System.
Clause 3: Secretary
1. Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.
2. Prepare and present the minutes for each chapter meeting.
3. Place all committee reports in the designated area in the FFA
Chapter Workbooks: Secretary, Treasurer and Program of
Activities Workbook or the computer software.
4. Be responsible for chapter correspondence.
5. Maintain member attendance and activity records and issue
membership cards.
6. Keep the POA Wall Chart up-to-date.
7. Have on hand for each meeting:
a. FFA Chapter Books: Secretary, Treasurer and The Program
of Activities Workbook or computer software.
b. Copy of the POA including all standing special
c. Official FFA Manual and Student Handbook.
d. Copy of the Chapter Constitution and bylaws.
Clause 4: Treasurer
1. Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
2. Present monthly treasurer reports at the chapter meetings.
3. Collect due and special assessments
4. Maintain a neat and accurate FFA Chapter Handbook: Secretary,
Treasurer and Program of Activities Workbook or the computer
5. Prepare and submit the membership roster and dues to the National
FFA Organization through the State FFA Association office in
cooperation with the secretary.
6. Serve as the chairperson of the earnings and savings committee
7. Ex-officio on fund-raising committee
Clause 5: Reporter
1. Plan public information programs with local radio, television,
newspaper, and service clubs and make use of other opportunities
to tell the FFA story.
2. Release news and information to local and regional news media.
3. Publish a monthly chapter newsletter.
4. Send local stories to area, districts, and state reporters.
5. Send articles and photographs to FFA New Horizons and other
national and regional publications.
6. Work with local media on radio and television appearances and
FFA news.
7. Create and maintain chapter website.
Clause 6: Sentinel
1. Assist the president in maintaining order.
2. Keep the meeting room, equipment and supplies improper
3. Welcome guest and visitors.
4. Keep the meeting room comfortable.
5. Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.
6. Assist with special features and refreshments.
Clause 7: Historian
1. Develop and maintain a scrapbook of memorabilia in which to
record the chapter’s history.
2. Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.
3. Prepare displays of activities and submit stories of former
members to the media.
4. Serve as chapter photographer.
5. Prepare slide shows for recruitments, Greenhand Banquet and the
End of the Year Banquet.
Clause 8: Advisor
1. Advise the organization in all problems.
2. Help members in any way.
3. Assist the president in conducting activities of the chapter.
Clause 9: Officer Deadlines
1. All business in need of attention must be completed within 2
weeks after the event.
Article VI-Voting
Section A. Secret ballot will occur for all officers and special elections.
Section B. Every member of the Livingston FFA Chapter is eligible to vote.
Article VII-Impeachment of Officers
Section A. Immediate Impeachment
1. The FFA Advisor will implement and enforce a 3-strike system to remove
an officer who has repeatedly disregarded his/her duties by not fulfilling
them to his/her best ability.
Section B. Steps to Impeachment
1. Any FFA Chapter Officer not fulfilling the duties of the office as
described by this constitution will be required to meet with the advisor
and the principal and parent will be notified.
2. A written 3-Strikes agreement will be drawn up by the advisor based on
the conversation of the meeting in step one, and will be confirmed and
signed by the advisor and officer in question.
Section C. Filling Vacant Offices
1. Office vacancies will first be filled by candidates that completed the
application and interview process to become a chapter officer. The FFA
advisors will choose the candidate that will best fill the vacant office.
2. If there is no candidate available that completed the officer screening
process, then the current office advisors will choose two active members
to run for the open position. The chapter will fill the vacant position by
secret ballot majority vote.
Article VIII- Assessments
Section A. As long as the Incentive Grant funds are available, dues shall be paid for all
members through that source.
Article IX- Eligibility
Section A. Eligibility of members exhibiting at fairs and shows will be based on the
Advisor’s Discretion.
Clause 1: No student may exhibit at the Merced County Spring Fair if:
1. Their GPA is less than 2.5
2. Do not get their advance excuses signed for the entire work
3. Have received more than one unsatisfactory citizenship mark
Clause 2: Exhibitors may not show at Merced County Fair if:
I. The have any summer school that conflicts with Merced County Fair.
Section B. Members must maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) overall to be eligible
to participate above the chapter level.
Section C. Alumni members wanting to show one year upon graduation must hold the
Golden State Degree to be eligible.
Article X-Amendments
Section A. To amend the constitution, a majority vote of the active membership is required.
Section B. To become effective, an amendment must be posted for two weeks previous to
vote of the active members.
Article XI-Ratification of the Constitution
Section A. The constitution shall become effective when passed by majority vote of the
members voting.